Saturday, January 17, 2009

To India and Beyond!

I'm less than 24 hours away.
Packing is still in progress, and I have already forgotten my ipod in my bike bag (which is at my sisters). opps.
I pondered what I wanted for a last meal (for awhile) that contained meat. After origanlly thinking I wanted a steak, I decided upon a hot dog. Yes, I love hot dogs. So, the Chicago Dog from the Bulldog was my food of choice. A good hot dog and a PBR- can't get much better than that.
I look at this trip with excitement and an open mind. I want to take time to soak in all the expierences- both the good and the bad.
These past few days have been great. My coworkers were really supportive, and I was very touched that so many of them had good wishes for me and showed up to happy hour.

Also, my friends have been out in full force and have made great efforts to spend time with me before I leave.

Thank you.

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