Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I am into the first full day in India. Jetlag is kicking in, and I hope to stay awake late enough for the inauguration.
We arrived in Delhi, and I was immediately greeted by smog, car horns, and the smell of 20 million people. This place is intense. I attempted to sleep last night, but after about an hour was woken up by an eerie, but beautiful chanting over loud speakers. Well, it was nice for the first 15 minutes, then continued throughout the night. I came to find out that the hostel is right next to the largest Sikh temple in Delhi. So naturally, I needed to check it out. The temple is all marble, and I was required to wear a head scarf and take off my shoes (I am really thankful for all those vaccinations now).
I have quickly learned there is no privacy in India; people are everywhere. It's almost too much to take in, and it isn't helping that I am on the verge of hallucinating due to lack of sleep.
Tomorrow we are off on the six hour trip to Jaipur. I am looking forward to getting settled, and starting Hindi and the internship. Hopefully computer access will be available, and I'll post pictures soon.

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