Monday, April 13, 2009

i have a runny nose.

and there are no tissues in India. Really- I've looked everywhere. I'm not sure what is the best way to care for my nose- farmer's blow? hanky? help people.
Oh well, I will take a runny nose over the sickness I had last week. I am now back to eating Indian food, instead of a bread diet.

This past weekend was pretty low key. Me, Shiveta (my roomie), and Farhad (an NGO worker) went to a bookstore in the old city. I love sitting on the ground staring at all the covers, and find myself only looking through the books with pictures- they're the best. Then a few of us went out to a restaurant next door from the homestay. It was so nice and clean; the best part was it actually had live music! We heard covers "Hotel California" and "Ring of Fire." The band wasn't that great, but I was pleased. Also, watched the movie, MILK with Sean Penn. Another great movie.

Here's a random photo of the view I see from the rooftop of one of my favorite restaurants in Udaipur.

Lately, I've been trying to put my life together- at least for the next three months (baby steps). My advisor at the U is probably very sick of my emails, but I think it's been worked out that I can start and finish my thesis this summer. It's a crazy move, considering I haven't narrowed down my topic or methodology. This would mean I would pretty much live at the U. I've actually never sat in the library, just stopped by for coffee. Time to get acquainted.

This week I am determined to get all my papers done, so I have some downtime next week. Some friends from Jaipur are coming to visit again, and we are planning to do the trip to Mt. Abu. I can't stop thinking about Thailand- I want to go swimming so bad. There's a pool at the club I workout at, but I can't see through the chemicals to the bottom. So, I quickly ruled out going for a dip.

This picture is of a little boy, Herard. His parents died, and the uncle of the homestay family has been looking after him. He gets a room above the garage, but is treated as a servant, and does not attend school. He always sits on the floor (he was waiting for the daughter of another servant that was washing dishes) It is strange to relax and drink a smoothie when he is probably just as warm as I am. He isn't offered one, rather, he clears the glasses from the table. uncomfortable. So now I don't take anything while he is here. This treatment is considered 'normal' in most households.
Child labor or helping keep a child off the street? I know where I stand, but will not use this blog to rant about politics.
I had to write about him in some way. He is a very sweet boy, and we exchange a little Hindi. I asked to take his picture today, and he has a great smile, but would look serious when he thought I would 'shoot the snap.'

The picture below is the result of mendi art done by a co-worker Sita (the giggly girl who always talks to me two inches from my face).

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